Explain Pain 2nd Edition (RESOLVE Study) - page 138

All pain is real. And formany people it is a debilitating part of everyday life.
It is now known that understandingmore about why things hurt can actually help people
to overcome their pain. Recent advances in fields such as neurophysiology, brain imaging,
immunology, psychology and cellular biology have provided an explanatory platform fromwhich
to explore pain. In everyday language accompanied by quirky illustrations,
Explain Pain
discusses how pain responses are produced by the brain: how responses to injury from the
autonomicmotor and immune systems in your body contribute to pain, andwhy pain can
persist after tissues have had plenty of time to heal.
Explain Pain
aims to give clinicians and people in pain the power to challenge pain and to
consider newmodels for viewing what happens during pain. Once they have learnt about the
processes involved they can follow a scientific route to recovery.
Dr LorimerMoseley is Professor of Clinical Neurosciences and the Inaugural Chair in
Physiotherapy at the University of SouthAustralia, Adelaide, where he leads research groups at
Body inMind as well as withNeuroscience ResearchAustralia in Sydney. Dr David Butler is an
international freelance educator, author and director of the Neuro Orthopaedic Institute, based
inAdelaide, Australia. Both authors continue to publish and present widely.
Imagine an orchestra in your brain. It plays all kinds of
harmoniousmelodies, then pain comes along and the different
sections of the orchestra are reduced to a few pain tunes.
‘Overall, this is a great book. It is packed with
the right messages for patients and healthcare
providers... I highly recommend it for one’s patient
library and as an introductory summary for those
who are entering the field of painmanagement.’
‘The authors present four goals: to communicate
basic science information to clinicians and their
patients, to educate people with pain so that
they can gainunderstanding and have less fear, to
assist people in pain tomake goodmanagement
choices, and to outlinemodernmanagement
models. They have succeeded on all four fronts.’
JohnD. Loeser,MD
Professor of Neurosurgery & Anesthesiology,
University ofWashington School of Medicine,
Winner of 2002 Best Doctors in America award
‘This book bridges the gap between people’s
experience and neuroscience... I strongly
recommend it to all practitioners whatever
their expertise and to anybody whose pain is
playing the loudest tune.’
MargaretMayo, Physiotherapist
‘Not only do the authors present complex
concepts and physiology in simple and
memorable language, they alsomanage to
deliver thematerial in a clinically useful way...
I can’t think of any practitioner who deals with
pain who shouldn’t read and use this book.’
Nicholas Lucas, Osteopath
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