Explain Pain 2nd Edition (RESOLVE Study) - page 122

Tool 3: Accessing the virtual body
Getting tricky and sneaking under the pain radar
he virtual body in the brain can be exercised just like the
actual body. The techniques of pacing discussed in the last
few pages can be used for actual and/or virtual body
exercises. The good thing about virtual body activities is
that you can do them anywhere, you can integrate them
into daily life and you don’t even have to get a sweat up. No
gym fees either. You can also domuch deeper brain exercise
as well. One example is gradedmotor imagery andwe
discuss this in detail elsewhere.
Virtual body exercises are like retraining the orchestra to
help it playmore harmonious notes, to exercise the
trumpets without the strings interfering, to revive old tunes
not played for years and to compose somemusic for the
future. Some of themovements aim to activate brain areas
that are usually activated in a pain experience, but without
igniting pain (ie. the pain neurotag – see page 20). In
Section 1we discussed how powerful context is in the pain
experience. Context changes can also be used in training.
For example, you could perform amovement in a different
to usual position or environment, or you could look or not
look at themoving part. Once you get the idea, youwill be
able to invent endless virtual body exercises that
particularly suit your needs.
Of course, while you are experimenting withmovements
there could be some pains evoked. This is OK – remember,
if you understand your pain and know that it won’t harm
you, then there will beminimal stress responses.
For the purpose of this exercise, we have selected the
frequently painful activities of bending forwards and
turning your head. Let’s see if we canwork out together
what can be altered.
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