Explain Pain 2nd Edition (RESOLVE Study) - page 44

Systems to get you out of trouble
A tune will always have some effect
essages into the brain do not end in the brain.
In a dynamic living system, what goes inmust
come out in some form. As part of the brain
weighing the world, it makes a
value judgement
on the inputs and responds. When you are cold
there aremany ways your brain and body can
respond. When you are in danger, the brain calls
uponmany systems to get you out of trouble.
These systems are working all the time. Themost
obvious examples are: themuscle system, which
enables you to run away, spasm and protect an
injured part, hide or fight, and the sympathetic
system, which helpsmanage sweating and blood
distribution. Other systems such as the immune
and endocrine systems work silently but diligently.
A pain experience is often associatedwith altered
activity of these other systems too. All of our
systems can help us escape trouble.
In a threatening situation, and especially during
pain, these systems will work really hard for you.
They are at their best for short periods just like a
sprinter who performs at a super high level of
activity. However, if you are in pain for a long
time, the sustained activity of these systems starts
to cause other problems – they can’t be expected to
sprint for amarathon. In Section 4, we discuss the
consequences of long-term activation of these
protective systems.
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