Explain Pain 2nd Edition (RESOLVE Study) - page 51

Here is a close-up view of anail lodged in a foot. There is lots
happening and it is all about repair. Blood vesselsmay be
damaged and small nerve endings stretched. Small cells, which
normally just hang aroundwaiting for trouble, release histamine
whichmakes blood vessels release plasma, which in turn causes
more swelling. This process releaseswhite blood cells and
delivers cells thatmopup themess in the area and, if the skin
has been broken, deal harshlywith any bacteria present. These
mopping up cells are called phagocytes andmacrophages. Cells
that help scabs form and create scar tissue are also activated.
Damagednervesmay also release chemicals (see page 64), that
aid the process. All this stuff is called
‘inflammatory soup’.
Inflammatory soup sensitises danger sensors and this increased
sensitivity further protects the injured tissue.
Inflammationmakes joints stiff in themorning, produces
sharp pains, redness andwarmth. Often, anti-inflammatory
drugs such as ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin and paracetamol
reduce the effects including the pain. Anti-inflammatories
probably work by stopping the production of prostaglandins,
which are key sensitising chemicals in inflammation. The
swelling, which is themost obvious part of inflammation and
whichworries somany people, is just a by-product of the need
to get blood and healing chemicals into the area.
Note that we are talkingmainly about acute inflammation.
Chronic inflammation is a part of certain disease states such as
rheumatoid arthritis and canhave different and extra effects.
blood vessel
mop up enzymes
phagocytes &
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