Explain Pain 2nd Edition (RESOLVE Study) - page 2

David ButlerMAppSc, EdD
David is an international freelance
educator, director of the Neuro
Orthopaedic Institute and senior
lecturer at the University of South
Australia. Current professional
interests include the integration of
pain sciences into undergraduate
and postgraduate curricula. He is
the author of Mobilisation of the
Nervous System (1991), The
Sensitive Nervous System (2000),
plus chapters in numerous other
well known texts about pain and
manual therapy. David is the prime
motivating force behind the
innovative ‘Neurodynamic and the
Neuromatrix’ conferences.
Dr LorimerMoseley PhD, FACP
Lorimer’s interests lie in the role of
the brain andmind in chronic pain.
He was appointedNuffield Fellow at
OxfordUniversity in 2004. In 2007,
he won the Inaugural IASPUlf
LindblomAward, given to the top
clinical scientist under 40working
in a pain related field. Lorimer is
now Professor of Clinical
Neurosciences and the Inaugural
Chair in Physiotherapy at the
University of SouthAustralia,
Adelaide. While leading the Body in
Mind research groups there and at
Neuroscience Research Australia,
Sydney, Lorimer continues to
publish and present widely.
Sunyata has been an exhibiting
artist since 1983, originally working
out of a studio in theWillunga
Basin, SouthAustralia. Sunyata’s
disciplines are broad and eclectic
and include printmaking, sculpting,
ceramics, painting andmusic.
Shortly following the release of
Explain Pain, Sunyata explored the
delights of India, however, his
current whereabouts are not
Neuro Orthopaedic Institute / NOIGROUP PUBLICATIONS
The Neuro Orthopaedic Institute is an independent, international group of physical therapists dedicated to quality education and resource distribution.
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