Explain Pain 2nd Edition (RESOLVE Study) - page 5

We are quite chuffed that the second edition of Explain Pain is
quite similar to the first editionwhichmeans that wemust have
written the scientific side of EP reasonably correctly the first time.
Youwill find plentymore references and support in this edition
and in particular we have refined and corrected some of our
language of pain.
We would like to thank themany people from around the world
who took the time to give us feedback, both good and bad, on the
first one. If you look carefully, youwill see we have responded.
Thanks to all the team at NOI who have carried this off with their
usual flare, penchant for style, eye for detail and admirable
patience with the authors. Ariane Allchurch and Paula Filippone
for design and typesetting, Juliet Gore for editing and themulti-
tasking Claudia Campbell, KarinKosiol, Kat Waterman and
Henry Stevens.
Thanks to the growing community of clinical and basic pain
scientists who are working hard to better understand pain, its
prevention and its treatment. These are some of the sharpest tools
in the global shed andwe reckonwe should all be grateful that
their substantial resources are working for the common good.
Thanks to the clinicians around the worldwho have taken the
Explain Pain ball and runwith it, who have collectively raised the
bar with regards towhat we can realistically expect in chronic
pain, by giving people the resources tomaster their situation.
Thanks to those clinical scientists who have not taken our word
for it but undertaken their own clinical trials and shown that
Explain Pain is not just for Australians - it seems to be equally
helpful for Europeans, North& SouthAmericans, Africans, Asians
and Arabs. Thanks to themany people who have respectfully
asked us if they can use parts of Explain Pain for their own
clinical work or teaching, and others who have advocated for us
and for explaining painwith their colleagues, their judiciary, on
YouTube, in industry panels, pharmaceutical campaigns, prisons,
parliaments, and sporting clubs.
From Lorimer: thanks to the people in the BodyinMind research
group at University of SouthAustralia &Neuroscience Research
Australia – as I have often said, I am very grateful toworkwith a
group of communityminded and enjoyable people with sharp
minds and good hearts. Thanks to Dave, who remains an
inspiration. Thanks to TMBA, Browns and Gubs for being the real
fire inmy belly.
FromDavid: thanks to the worldwide NOI teaching teamwho take
the research out into the clinical and professional battlefront.
Thanks to Lozza for your clinical and research devotion to the
subject and for remaining normal, despite the growing demands of
the world. Thanks to Daphne Carey and Andy Ang who transport
the books into the world everyday. Supercat Audrey, you have
helped too, but most of all thanks to Jules who keepsme, the NOI
office, the NOI standard and the books rolling on.
Lorimer and David, Adelaide, May 2013
Acknowledgments |
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