Explain Pain 2nd Edition (RESOLVE Study) - page 7

This book has four aims:
• First, to assist a variety of health professionals in
explaining pain, we wanted to provide a conduit
from the world of basic neuroscience to clinicians
and to their patients.
• Second, to enable people in pain to understandmore
about their situation and to become less frightened
of their pain. We know that the threat value of pain
contributes directly to the pain experience and by
informing people about what is actually happening
inside themwe can reduce the threat.
• Third, to assist people in pain, and those involved
with them, tomake the best choices about their
• Finally, to outlinemodernmodels of management
and provide the treatment essentials for overcoming
pain and returning to normal life.
The book is designed so that it can be used as amanual
for clinicians to explain pain to patients, as a workbook
completed by patient and clinician together, as part of a
cognitive-behavioural/multidisciplinary pain
management programme, or for patients to use as a
‘take-home’ resource.
Youwill find as you read, small numbers scattered
throughout the text. These relate to references for
further reading or sources where we have found the
information. The references are listed in numerical
order on page 127.
The principles presented in this book are particularly
suited to consideration of chronic non-specific pains (eg.
low back pain, elbow pain). However, they can be
extended to acute pain states and those with co-existing
pathology such as rheumatoid arthritis and used in
conjunctionwith othermanagement strategies.
We think that one strength of this book is that anyonewho
suffers from persistent pain, or has a loved one, colleague
or friendwhohas persistent pain, can directly benefit from
using the book. The benefit will be greaterwith guidance
from an informed clinicianwhere necessary.
Finally, it is hoped that health professionalswill find this
book, and the view of pain and pain treatment that is
presented, helpful as they try to integratemodern pain
science into therapy. As the literature in this area is vast
we have selected themost representative literature. Every
effort has beenmade to reference thematerial with the
most up-to-date and relevant scientific articles.
Lorimer and David, Adelaide, May 2013
Use of this book
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