Explain Pain 2nd Edition (RESOLVE Study) - page 23

In another example, subjects (volunteers!) placed
their head inside a sham stimulator andwere told
that a current would be run through their head. Pain
increased in line with the instructed intensity of
stimulation even though no stimulationwas given.
A lack of knowledge and understanding also creates
its own inputs and increases fear. For example,
unexplained and ongoing pain and deep injuries that
you can’t see, unlikemost skin injuries, increase the
threat of pain. Themore information that a patient
has about a surgical procedure, even knowing that
pain after surgery is quite normal, the smaller the
amount of analgesics required
and the length of
the hospital stay will be shorter.
The amount of pain a person experiences is
influenced by who else is around. In pain
experiments, males have been shown to have higher
pain thresholds if tested by females.
Also, when
accompanied by their spouse, a patient with a very
attentive and caring spouse will havemore pain than
a patient with an uncaring spouse.
Ask yourself why?
And finally, one of themost common pains on the
planet is toothache. It too is dependent on context.
Does it hurt more because dental work
is expensive? All dentists are aware of
the patient whomakes an emergency
appointment, yet the toothache
disappears themoment the person
enters the dentist’s surgery. Toothache
is a great example of painmaking you
take action. If your pain has gone, your
brain is probably satisfied that you have
taken the required action before the
dentist has even looked in yourmouth.
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