Explain Pain 2nd Edition (RESOLVE Study) - page 31

The alarm system has to have a command centre,
obviously the brain. In the same way yourmost
precious possessions would preferably be stored
inside an alarmed safe with soft padding, the alarm
command centre is located in the safest place in the
body – the bony safety of the skull (skull bones are
our strongest bones) and nestled in a hydraulically-
cushioned environment. There are other
subcommand centres too. These are also located in
reasonably safe places – next to the bony vertebrae.
See page 62.
In this picture, a paper cut has damaged some tissues
in the skin and rung a few alarm bells. But it ismore
complex than this. Alarm bells ringing does not
necessarilymean that therewill be pain. If you place
your hand over a hot surface, the increasingwarmth
will begin to ring a few bells and a fewmessages of
impending dangerwill be sent from the skin in your
hand. The processwhichmay eventually turn these
dangermessages into pain is farmore complex. In this
next sectionwe take a look down themicroscope at
this remarkable alarm systemwhich exists inus all.
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