Explain Pain 2nd Edition (RESOLVE Study) - page 61

Here are some bone and joint facts
Joint pains are often described as ‘grinding’, ‘stabbing’,
‘gnawing’, ‘compressed’ and ‘aching’. However, these
words are brain-derived constructions based on the
input from the joint plus a whole lot of other inputs.
Part of the reasonwe describe joints as grinding is
because it makes sensemechanically.
An important factor related to joints and pain seems
to be the speed at which joints are damaged – if the
changes are slow, the brain probably concludes that
there is no real danger. Dislocations and fractures are
nearly always painful, howevermost people with
worn joints never know about it.
Our bones and joints are not attractivewhen x-rayed,
especially if we are a bit older. We all haveworn joint
surfaces and little bony outgrowths. Themagnitude of
x-ray findings relates poorly to the amount of pain. A
personwith ahorrible looking x-raymayhavenopain
and apersonwith apristine x-ray couldbe in agony. In
one person, pain could be in the left knee yet the right
knee has theworst x-ray. Inmany cases, changes are
likely to be age-related changes (‘the kisses of time’).
Joints adoremovement and regular compression,
which is essential for joint health. Movement
distributes the slippery joint fluid (synovial fluid) ,
and cartilage loves the pumping compression. The
brain eagerly welcomes sensory inputs from joints as
it wants to knowwhat is happening so it can
construct the best responses for you, (eg. it tells you
to alter balance or position).
Smashed bones can heal, sometimes stronger than
before. The repair process is powerful – andmost of it
is accomplishedwithin sixweeks.
Some joints in your back or neck can get injured, eg.
in car accidents, but the injuries can be too small to
see on x-rays and scans.
Your brainmay have
recognised the threat, whichmay, ormay not, result
in pain. Remember, though, activity of the alarm
system (nociception) is neither sufficient nor
necessary to cause pain.
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