Explain Pain 2nd Edition (RESOLVE Study) - page 75

More long-term processes also happen – floods of
sensitivity-enhancing chemicals can swamp the synapse
and some of the incoming neurones can go sprouting.
For example, neurones that don’t even carry danger
messages sprout in close to the dangermessenger
neurone so that the chemicals that they release activate
that neurone. Thismeans that just touching the skin or
a slight temperature change, might cause danger
messages to be sent to the brain.
In a way, your brain is being tricked. It is operating on
faulty information about the condition of your tissues.
But remember – your body and brain are acting in your
best interests – it’s to protect you.
Enhanced sensitivity of the alarm system is nearly always
amain feature in persistent pain. Remember that the
is normal, but the processes behind it are altered.
danger enhancing
neurone from brain
about 200 of these for one
danger messenger neurone
releases excitatory chemicals
into synapse
increases activity when brain
concludes more danger exists
excitatory chemicals
in blood stream and
released from neurones
neurones from
the tissues
transmit danger messages
from danger sensors
danger reducing
neurones from brain
about 200 for one danger
messenger neurone
releases inhibitory
chemicals into synapse
decreases activity
when brain concludes
danger exists
danger messenger
takes danger messages
to brain
increased sensitivity to
excitatory chemicals
extra sensors for
excitatory chemicals
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