Explain Pain 2nd Edition (RESOLVE Study) - page 77

The spinal cord has amagnifying glass in it.
Noise whichwas not bothersome before is now
bothersome. Even certain types of musicmay become
The spinal cord is a bit like the tax office. Let’s say
you had a ‘miscalculation’ on your tax return one
year. The tax office knows that there is trouble with
your accounting. Next time you send in your tax
return, all the inspectors scrutinise it carefully and
will exaggerate any tiny ‘miscalculation’ youmake.
It’s not fair!
It’s like the dripping tap torture on your forehead.
Every little drip just keeps gettingmore andmore
Remember the regional post office? (See page 37). The
post office staff are now in a perpetual state of paranoia
– sending dangermessages off at will; the post office
starts to sendmessages on behalf of other localities;
letters are sent free of charge; the regional sorting office
is sending itself letters via that post office.
The concept of increased sensitivity is often challenging,
but this is what happens to some degree in all of us
whenwe are injured. This increased sensitivity
should fade once the damaged structures are
under control, and/or you fully understandwhat
is going on.
Adapted from Bear et al.
Is that why the
princess feels that
pea under all those
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