Explain Pain 2nd Edition (RESOLVE Study) - page 65

The DRG is particularly ‘tuned in’ towhatever is in
your blood, including adrenaline, and other
that gush into the bloodstreamwhen
you are stressed. Manufacturingmore adrenaline
sensors to put in the DRG is one of many ways that
the body can increase sensitivity. This is very
sophisticated protection and good news for your
tissues when you consider how effective it is, but bad
news for you because the result is oftenmore or
worsening pain (we will talkmore about this later).
Occasionally the DRG can be ‘set off’ – especially if
you sustain an injury in the area. Sometimes when
this happens, the DRGmay just keep on firing. It’s
sort of like a car alarm. You canmove around but it
keeps sendingmessages. It can be a real pain in the
neck. Unfortunately, even super-powerful drugs don’t
do a lot, though it will eventually quieten down of its
own accord.
But wait!
The DRG can also be squashedwithout pain –
think about this: some bodies (especially older ones)
that have been donated to science reveal squashed
nerves but there is no record of them ever having had
painwhen they were alive.
Youwould think they
would have been in absolute agony! Themost likely
explanation for this is that the compression occurred
gradually over time, whichmeant that the brainmust
have concluded that there was no danger in the tissues.
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