Explain Pain 2nd Edition (RESOLVE Study) - page 87

and increased numbers of adrenaline sensors all
mean that adrenaline canmagnify the danger
message and cause pain. Normally, adrenaline is
good stuff. The buzz is great, the anger, anxiety
and sweating it promotesmay be helpful, but
don’t let it hang around for too long.
The parasympathetic nervous system
Whereas stimulation of the sympathetic system
gives rise to a liberation of energy, the
parasympathetic is usuallymore concernedwith
slowing and conserving energy – it helps
digestion, storing of energy, cellular
replenishment, and reproduction. Instead of ‘fight
and flight’, it’s ‘rest and digest’.
Feeling supported and appreciated are likely to
shift sympathetically excited people towards the
more protective calming parasympathetic state.
The parasympathetic system ismore active during
sleep, rest andmeditation. Disturbed sleep,
sleeplessness at night and sleepiness during the
daymay all contribute to ill health and sensitivity
of tissues. Not enough sleep, not enough ongoing
repair. Thismay be a good reason to try some
relaxation ormeditation during the day to try to
give the parasympathetic system a chance to
assist in tissue replenishment and growth.
The sympathetic nervous system
and the systems it affects
salivary glands
muscular system
adrenal gland
rapid liberation of
adrenaline into the blood
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