Explain Pain 2nd Edition (RESOLVE Study) - page 89

What does cortisol do?
The term ‘stress chemical’ is often applied to
cortisol, and it sometimes gets a bad rap. But
remember it is above all a
. Along with
adrenaline, cortisol is a chemical that protects you
when you are challenged. It slows down body
processes which are not needed for immediate
protection and enhances those which are.
So if you have just lifted a very heavy, awkward
weight and hurt your back, or you are in an
armed robbery, or you are about to do a
mathematics exam, or a health professional has
implied that your pain is not real, you probably
have no interest in reproduction and digestion.
And any healing of tissues can be put on hold –
the processes in inflammation draw toomuch
energy. However, the systems youwill need are
muscles (to support, run away), and your brain
(for quick thinking) andmaybe some endorphin
support (a brain-produced dangermessage
suppressor). Nomatter whether the threat
involves a physical ormental challenge, the
emergency increases cortisol production.
If threats continue, persistent altered levels of
cortisol can create a few problems. Altered levels
of cortisol has been linked to slow healing, poor
healing, loss of memory, loss of libido, depression,
despair and a decline in physical
Cortisol production changes during the day. It
peaks in the earlymorning, then declines until
lunchwhen it rises a little bit and then it is at its
lowest in the early evening. Our sensory abilities
parallel this. People withmaintained inflammation
often havemore pain in the evening when cortisol
levels are down.
Cortisol is only one hormone of interest. Oxytocin
is another which affects the body inmany ways,
from speeding up childbirth, relieving pain and
preventing weight gain. It’s easy tomake – love
someone, even look at someone you love, give
them a hug. If you pat a dog or cat, you’ll both get
a blast of oxytocin.
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