Explain Pain 2nd Edition (RESOLVE Study) - page 96

Modernmanagement models
There aremany people and groups of people whowould like
to help youwith your pain. But be prepared. A clinical
nightmaremay be waiting.
Themore orthodox groups include doctors, surgeons,
psychologists and physiotherapists. Slightly less orthodox
include chiropractors and osteopaths, and the non-orthodox
groups include faith healers and iridologists. Within each
group of health profession, there are factions. For example,
one surgeonmay fuse your vertebrae together (orthopaedic
surgeon) while anothermay insert a stimulator on your
spinal cord (neurosurgeon). So too, there are different
kinds of physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths,
psychologists etc. There is often argument between and
within groups.
You need to be careful and in control. In particular, be wary
because you are likely to hear or have heardmany different
explanations for your problem. This canmake it worse and
add confusion. Remember that you are the owner of your
pain, no one else. In the end, it is youwho has themost
power tomanage and rid yourself of it.
The skills of the practitioners in the various groupsmay
help youwith parts of the pain problem, but we believe that
youwill be better informed and in control if you
understand the science behind your pain state.
We are not recommending for or against particular
practitioners but suggest that the following guidelines
may help you tomake informed choices:
1. People with ongoing pain states will require amedical
examination. Medicine is very effective at diagnosing the
nasty but rare problems.
2. Make sure that any prescribed helpmakes sense to you
and to your understanding of the problem. Ask the
health professional if there are any scientific studies
supporting what they propose.
3. Have ALL your questions answered satisfactorily.
4. Avoid total dependence on any health professional.
Youmust take control.
5. Always have goals that are understood by both you and
your health professional. These could bemeasurable
physical, social andwork goals.
Good clinicians have numerous qualities. They are
compassionate, enthusiastic and informed. They are
curious about new ideas. They are experts.
They assist you inmastering your situation.
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