Explain Pain 2nd Edition (RESOLVE Study) - page 93

Take back pain for example. Back pain is
associatedwith changes in trunkmuscle
The changes probably help the
brain splint the trunk. However, muscle activity
sometimes doesn’t return to normal even if the
pain eventually resolves. Fear or anticipation of
painmay be enough to prevent changes returning
to normal
– it seems that the thought
viruses have an effect on all systems.
These changesmay place different body tissues at
risk of injury, or prevent body parts from healing
to the best of their abilities.
Long-termmovement changesmake you behave
differently, hold yourself differently, move
differently and even talk differently – all of which
have long-term consequences. Once newmotor
patterns have been learnt, they can be very hard
to reverse. It’s not difficult to pick someone with
an old arm injury by the way he/she hangs out the
washing, or people with old ankle injuries by the
way they walk up stairs. These patterns are often
more obvious when there is psychological stress.
It’s probably a good thing to stretch tight muscles
and strengthenweak ones, but we think it is also
important to try towork out the threats that
aremaking themuscle systemwork so hard to
protect you.
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